Belleville, ON, Canada / Quinte News
It’s been a day the Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward has been waiting years for. A ground breaking ceremony was held Friday morning for the Humane Society’s new Animal Care and Adoption Centre on Wallbridge-Loyalist Road. The new five million dollar shelter is the first of three planned phases for the relocation of the local Humane Society as the current site on Avonlough Road is too small and is falling further into disrepair.
Board Chair Donna Endicott thanked both City of Belleville Mayor Mitch Panciuk and City of Quinte West Mayor Jim Harrison for their support.

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“It’s their support, their encouragement, sound advice, vision and leadership that is making it possible for the Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward to pursue a forever home for the animals, staff and volunteers and most of all for all the communities of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.”

Both municipalities have provided financial help.
Mayor Panciuk said he was sorry that late councillor Pat Culhane could not be there.

He called Culhane, who passed away last year, a fierce advocate for the Humane Society.

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“Matter of fact, two years ago, I took quite a tongue lashing from her in private when we were  talking about what we could afford to provide the Quinte Humane Society in cash. And she felt that the $400,000 in cash was not enough and she let me know very clearly. And I made a promise to her. I said Pat, we need to move this project forward, we need to make this commitment. There will be more that we will give.”

Future home of HSHPE, Wallbridge-Loyalist Road. (Photo: Quinte News/John Spitters)

The Humane Society has not received any provincial or federal funding.

Still, Endicott encouraged everyone to reach out to Bay of Quinte MPP Todd Smith and MP Neil Ellis to remind them of the importance of the project.
“I am so confident that the energy and the people behind this extraordinary project will greatly influence MP Ellis and MPP Smith and that they will want to emulate the exceptional support that we have received from the cities of Belleville and Quinte West.”
Phase 2 will involve the building of a community and education centre with the third phase bringing a full service veterinary centre to the site.
$3.1 million of the $5 million needed for Phase 1 has been raised so far.
The It Takes Heart Capital Campaign continues to raise money.
Donations can be made at
The new shelter is expected to be ready by fall of 2022.