After a two year hiatus due to COVID-19 the festival was finally back, and better than ever! In particular Susan Walsh of the Chamber did an amazing job with the entertainment at the Lions Pavilion. In previous years Susan told me that she normally books the entertainment a year in advance, but this year she probably didn’t even know if there would be a festival this year. Despite this she managed to book headline bands for every day of the festival. Many of these bands play all over the world with ticket prices that are very pricey, but festival goers got to see them all for free! Without exception every one of the bands did an outstanding performance. Every concert was well organized, started right on time and was usually an hour and a half of high energy music. The sound crew also did a wonderful job making these bands all sound perfect!

Your editor attended the festival three out of the four days and despite having some camera and video editing issues managed to get some of the performances. Enjoy!

Susan is retiring after this year so someone will have very big shoes to fill for sure. Congrats to her on doing an incredible job!